Our work

What we do

We engage strategically with our clients in Innovation and User Centred Design processes, to boost growth and profits. Great results are produced when experience, insight, knowledge and imagination work on the problem in hand. And the proof is in the pudding, so we use our previous case studies to demonstrate our award-winning approach.

Reduce costly mistakes

By using user centred design thinking early in the development process, we can help to define the problem, highlight opportunities, set out the use case and test it with early-stage concepts and physical prototypes

Right-sized support

Whether you need a small amount of support, an expert review of an existing project, an end-to-end solution or simple advice we are here to help in the most appropriate way

Medical device development

We are experienced in developing medical devices and are compliant with the quality management systems required under EU and USA regulatory law 

Prototyping as a way to learn

We use prototyping to test ideas, user behaviour and investigate what aspects of a solution will work and where the real problems lie

Robotic gait trainer

Taking the heavy-lifting out of stroke recovery physiotherapy.

Working within a joint academic/ commercial consortium to develop a device to help rehabilitation of stroke survivors and raise £1.3m for design and prototyping.

Morow stands for MOtorised Rehabilitation Of Walking. 

Consultations with users and clinicians have informed the design process and functional requirement specifications delivering a world class system with a high degree of novelty and commercial potential.

Technology demo 

A rapid development project to assist a technology company to demonstrate an application of their platform technology.

Following a two week period of building three basic functional prototypes, we embarked on a four week project to deliver a fully working hand held medical device.

As a result of rapid success, we then took the design through to initial production tooling in the Far East prior to medical trials.

Age-friendly design

A great example of co-design to improve provision of public seating.

We co-developed the requirements for this design with a network of elderly users, Voice North, through Newcastle University's National Innovation Centre for Ageing, NICA

Featured in the Great Exhibition of the North 2018, Vitality benches provide an exemplar of user-centred design.

Now commercially available, the benches are manufactured by Miko Engineering

ROC Band

A device to improve patient recovery following vascular catheterisation.

We joined this project after the initial design stage had been completed. We helped optimise the safety, function and manufacturability of the device through a number of stages of physical prototyping.

Our suppliers assisted in creating the tooling and we helped the customer achieve a CE mark and ISO:13485 quality management system ready for commercialisation.


Coming soon....Our Innovation Starter Kit will be a jumping off point, introducing all the tools and techniques we use with clients, as shown below, to help them solve knotty problems and develop solutions which are truly innovative.

The tools and techniques we use to help our clients achieve commercialisable solutions

Lean Canvas

The one page business plan that evolves with you

Problem Interviews

Making sure you do the right thing, not just do something right

Assumption Mapping

Calling out your gut feelings, blind beliefs and biases to prioritise effort most effectively

Value Ecosystem

Understanding how value flows between all parties to ensure the viability of an innovation

User Journey Mapping

Visually mapping the journeys your users or customers take, to aid strategic thinking


A handy reference to make sure you keep the needs of real humans in mind

Value Proposition

Capturing the benefits that your new product or service will deliver to users or customers

Design Thinking

Human-centred innovation to make sure solutions are attractive, easy to use and a positive experience

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